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What’s Happening

Article List:

1.  Bridging gaps in oral health education in a medical school
2.  Application of trans-sutural distraction osteogenesis based on an optical surgical navigation system to correct midfacial dysplasia
3.  Results of a National Survey of Program Directors’ Perspectives on a Pass/Fail US Medical Licensing Examination Step 1
4.  US Surgeon General Sounds Alarm on Health Worker Burnout
5.  Buprenorphine Prescriptive Trends Following Removal of Prior Authorization Policies for the Treatment of Opioid Use Disorder in Two State Medicaid Programs
6.  U.S. Oral Surgery Management Supports OMS Foundation with Matching Gift Program
7.  Does the Presence of Role Models at the Undergrad Training Level Impact the Choice of Specialization as Maxillofacial Surgery for Young Women Dental Graduates?
8.  Masks Cut Secondary SARS-CoV-2 Infections by Half
9.  The Effect of Perioperative Patient Education via Animated Videos in Patients Undergoing Head and Neck Surgery
10.  A guide to R — the pandemic’s misunderstood metric
11.  Impact of Noise in the Operating Theater
12.  Clinician Attitudes and Beliefs About Deintensifying Head and Neck Cancer Surveillance
13.  A National Strategy for Life With COVID
14.  New Alloy for Biosoluble Implants
15.  Gifts for Surgeons
16.  The Leading Causes of Death in the US for 2020
17.  AAOMS: Upcoming Webinars & Events through September 2022
18.  Burnout: Career Satisfaction, Personal Life, and Work-Life Integration Practices Among US Surgeons by Gender
19.  ADA Adopts Interim Policy on Vaping
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WSOMS, 950 Reserve Drive, Suite 120, Roseville, CA 95678 \ (209) 418-3342 \ \ 8/24/2024 \ Page Phrases: Dental Society \